Saturday, 5 March 2016

Free Time

I'm so annoyed that I can't blog more than I do. Blogging is something that makes me happy and I never treat it like a task nor something I am obliged to do, but it is something that requires patience and time to sit down, think of something to write about, and actually write. I love it and I wish I could do it more. With school and life, I obviously can't manage to do so! 

Don't get me wrong, I could probably find the time to do it and I would love to, but I'm not good with schedules, they make me anxious. I love lists, I love knowing what to do, but not when to do it. I don't like time restrictions and I don't like to be forced to do something. My point is, I don't want to be forced to blog, but I would like to do it more.

I'm not making a promise, but I will try my best to blog once a week. I just don't want to post things I'm not proud of.

Now I am completely aware that telling you I am going to blog more doesn't really count as a post and that it really won't change anything in your life... But! It will hopefully encourage me to actually blog and put time aside. So yes, from now on I will have an alarm reminding me to blog if I have time to, and yes I am hoping I can share more photography on here. I want to make more fashion posts, I want to share more. 

This is all for now, I'll be back soon!

-Savannah xxx

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