Saturday, 15 August 2015

My Cry Laugh

You meet someone new. You get to know them. You'll make them laugh...

Well, that's exactly it.

The first time you make your new friend truly laugh matters. And their laugh might be typical or insanely ridiculous.

Sometimes they're laugh makes you laugh more, which I guess is always quite fun.

And loads of people can laugh so hard that they start to tear up... But you don't understand.

When you meet me, it doesn't take much to make me cry laugh, unlike most. Because my regular laugh is my cry laugh. Yep!

When you truly make me laugh, I won't be tearing up, I will be full on balling  my eyes and basically hyperventilating so much that I'm completely silent and gasping for air. And that, of course make everyone laugh more, which make me laugh more, which continues repetitively.

Remember, I don't tear up, I cry!

So that little iOS emoji, you know this one:

... That's literally ME!

I really do hope I'm not alone on this one.

So PLEASE comment if you LITERALLY cry laugh.

We'll have a giant... Most likely small, cry laughing party!

We'll call it lrying, you know, laughing+crying... Lrying

Ok, that's enough.

-Savannah xxx

On another note, I'm really sorry I haven't blogged in a while, I went on holiday and completely forgot, and was partially feeling very "uncreative" and lazy.  

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