Sunday, 30 August 2015

I Don’t Like Reading…?

 I've always been someone who doesn't particularly like to read.

Although I wish I did, reading just isn't the most enjoyable thing in my opinion.

I've always been this way. Reading just isn't my thing. I do because I have to, and I do because I know I should, but it never been the easiest task.

I wish I liked reading more than I do and I wish I read more, but it isn't as easily done as said.

When I read I look forward to finishing the book, I look forward to the next chapter and I pay attention to the page numbers.

Someone who loves reading gets disappointed when they're done their book and wishes they hadn't read it as quickly.

I read incredibly slowly because I just get distracted. The book never seems to be interesting enough and I absolutely hate that.

It has nothing to do with the fact that I can't read, just the fact that it's incredibly time consuming and in my opinion, just boring.

I haven't read the classics, I wish I had, and I'm trying my best, but there's so much to catch up on!

I told myself I should read the Hobbit and the Harry Potter books, because I want to but I don't somehow. And I've finished the Hobbit, although it took me a month.

You might be wondering what's wrong with me! A month and I can't finish a tiny book. Well, I just never find the time to read, not that I don't have time, just that I procrastinate too much and end up ready only 50 pages per week.

At the rate I'm going, if I want to read all 8 of the Harry Potter books, it'll take me years! I know that's awful! I do want to read them... Kinda.

What can I do? Does anyone else feel this way about reading? If you do, let me know what you do to motivate yourself to read more!

I assume that if you dislike reading, you're not reading this soooo... I guess no one here relates!

The irony…

-Savannah xxx

Saturday, 15 August 2015

My Cry Laugh

You meet someone new. You get to know them. You'll make them laugh...

Well, that's exactly it.

The first time you make your new friend truly laugh matters. And their laugh might be typical or insanely ridiculous.

Sometimes they're laugh makes you laugh more, which I guess is always quite fun.

And loads of people can laugh so hard that they start to tear up... But you don't understand.

When you meet me, it doesn't take much to make me cry laugh, unlike most. Because my regular laugh is my cry laugh. Yep!

When you truly make me laugh, I won't be tearing up, I will be full on balling  my eyes and basically hyperventilating so much that I'm completely silent and gasping for air. And that, of course make everyone laugh more, which make me laugh more, which continues repetitively.

Remember, I don't tear up, I cry!

So that little iOS emoji, you know this one:

... That's literally ME!

I really do hope I'm not alone on this one.

So PLEASE comment if you LITERALLY cry laugh.

We'll have a giant... Most likely small, cry laughing party!

We'll call it lrying, you know, laughing+crying... Lrying

Ok, that's enough.

-Savannah xxx

On another note, I'm really sorry I haven't blogged in a while, I went on holiday and completely forgot, and was partially feeling very "uncreative" and lazy.