Monday, 29 June 2015

My Allergies!

So now that spring has officially awaken and summer is just around the corner, my allergies have started again.

I have a variety of allergies (to mostly none deadly things). For example... General pollen allergies (trees, flowers, grass, basically anything outdoors),

Animals (Cats, Dogs... Not sure if I'm allergic to anymore), Dust (so basically all indoor areas... Do you see the irony?) and finally Penicillin (a medicine)! I'm not sure why I have so many allergies.

This means that I'm constantly coughing, sneezing and basically ripping my eyes out. Sometimes people ask what I'm allergic to, and when I'm lazy, I just say I'm allergic to life! I mean indoors, outdoors... Where do I go?

A few years back, I got to school with absolutely red eyes because I had been scratching them so much. Even though we had an exam that morning, my teacher looked at me and just sent me home right away... No hesitations. (Did I maybe find an advantage to this?)

But really, it's awful. My allergies sometimes even effect not only spring and summer, but also fall. And well during winter in Canada, I obviously get ill a few times or something like that. I'm basically sick all year.

And if you're wondering, yes, I take a pill every morning to help with the allergies, but it doesn't work miracles. The only other option would be to get a vaccine EVERY week! That's not going to happen! I'm not afraid of needles... But there is no way I'm doing that!

Do you have allergies? If you do, please let me know in the comments!

-Vanna xxx

Sunday, 14 June 2015

I've Had a Cough For 3 Weeks

So, I've had a cough for roughly 3 weeks now...

The first week of this nightmare, I had a horrid cough! I sounded like a dying goose.


Then after a week I still had a sore throat, but I could tell it was getting a bit better.

And I bet you can imagine how annoyed I was after realizing that two weeks had gone by and my throat was still in pain.

I think it's now been over 3 weeks and it's still no better. I mean of course, it's better than my original first week, but it's just as bad as when I was healing.

I went from sounding like a dying goose the first week, to just sounding a bit like a sheep while I was healing, and oh no... Now I sound like a goat, my cough came back.

Goat Pictures, Images

I had a dance recital at school (it was awful), and right when the curtain opened I my throat started to tickle... During the ENTIRE dance, I had to cough. And I'm not sure if any of you have ever tried to hold in a cough and dance at the same time. As soon as the light turned off I ran as fast as I could off stage so I could cough, although the crowd probably still heard me. Oops...

Another group was dancing and I was just sitting off stage, desperately trying to stop coughing, when all of a sudden I coughed and the music stopped. You know how some songs have moments where they're kind of paused and nothing is playing, not for long, just usually a couple seconds. Well, I managed to cough right then. I felt really bad.

I absolutely hate being sick, especially when school is just 4 days from being over!

When will this end? Do I have a vocal problem of some kind? I REALLY hope not!


Ya... Ok bye!

-Vannah xxx